Oli Scherer
9th December 2019 - 6th March 2020
The city around me is a beating heart. It survives off people mechanically getting up in the morning. They hastily shove down breakfast, get in their car and go to work. But when it comes to feeling, this heart yearns to break free from the construct of society's self-made boundaries.
We are asked as children, ‘what do you want to be when you grow up’?
We rock up at school, dressed as grown-ups. Little people, wearing oversized lab coats, a stethoscope flung around their shoulders or a hardhat.
We spit out the names of occupations that mean little to us but fit-in with what our parents may do for a living or what we see as a noble profession, worthy of big dreams.
But what about being free…?
When I ‘grow up’, I want to embrace the feeling of true freedom. To rebel against the confines of the working lifestyle, armed with creativity and a mind allowed to be open. A place where imagination is the true master.
When I wake up in the morning I will no longer sustain the beating heart of a city that doesn’t fulfil my own.
Oli Scherer